10 diciembre 2007

Arthur Russell / The World of Arthur Russell

the world of arthur russell
soul jazz records, 2004

1. dinosaur l - go bang
2. lola - wax the Van
3. loose joints - is it all over my face (larry levan mix)
4. arthur russell - keeping up
5. arthur russell - in the light of the miracle
6. arthur russell - a little lost
7. loose joints - pop your funk
8. arthur russell - let's go swimming (arthur gibbons mix)
9. dinosaur l - in the cornbelt (larry levan mix)
10. arthur russell - treehouse
11. indian ocean - schoolbell/treehouse (walter gibbons mix)

2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Thank you for this and for Beirut flying cup cup lp. Cheers.

Matt dijo...

Hey I'm way late to the party but could you re-up this por favor?